VR and AI: is this the same as virtual intelligence and artificial reality?



Please spend approximately 15 minutes working on any research and /or documentation required for your project.  I would like them mark them by the end of term.  This leaves three weeks to complete your project and then assessment 2…the evaluation/ review.



Informative Texts

On Tuesday this week, we worked in groups to discuss technology such as Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality. Some great comments re the pros and cons of AI were made. You also developed your excellent communication skills to take turns, share opinions and listen to what others had to say.. Well done!


If you would like to watch the funny ‘Chatbot’ clip again, here it is:


If you would like to view the TV programme we watched in the afternoon, here is the link. Search for the programme ‘Catalyst’ and the episode entitled ‘Meet the Avatars’




  1. Search online for videos / written text of examples of Virtual Reality that help to improve people’s health (eg to reduce phobias)


  1. Publish a blog post that includes at least 1 image / video of VR related to health and wellbeing.


  1. For those of you who attended the Tuesday lesson, please finish your homework. Write a 1-2 paragraph summary of ‘Meet the Avatars‘ that includes:
  • What VR is
  • Some examples of VR
  • How VR can help people
  • Some problems that might occur
  • Your opinion on the effectiveness of the TV show
  • Your opinion on VR

Optional: add this to your blog post


No maths again this week!.

clapping hands


Cert I – Communicate with Others

body language

This is a great elective as both assessments are completed when I observe you meet the criteria in class. Ie, there are no written assessments.  You all met some of the criteria in the Tuesday ‘AI / VR’ class.  Some of the things that I will be looking for:

  • Joining in with class discussion
  • Turn-taking
  • Expressing opinions (and listening respectfully to other people’s)
  • Effective body language, tone of voice and vocabulary
  • Following verbal instructions
  1. Please collect the Training and Assessment Plan (TAP) from me
  2. Scan the TAP to find the 2 assessment instructions then read them
  3. Next, go into classroom 3 and find the big plastic tub labelled ‘Cert I’
  4. Inside the tub, fin the ‘Communicate with Others’ file. Take a copy of the purple ‘pre-assessment tasks’ sheet.
  5. Next, search inside the purple cardboard folder to find the worksheets / activities that match the ones on the list
  6. Get started on the ‘Body language’ sheet today


Cert I- Health and Wellbeing

Have you selected a topic for your investigation? If you haven’t, today would be a really good day to have a chat with me about possible ideas.

  1. Continue with your pre-assessment tasks. If you have forgotten what they, please refer to previous blog posts.
  2. For those who have already begun the assessment…yay…and please continue with it


Cert 1 – Operate a PC

  1. First, check that you completed the tasks from last week
  2. Think: what are the names for all the computer hardware that you can see in front of you? Discuss these with your teacher if you are unsure
  3. Now you are going to use Microsoft Word to create a document. Open MS Word.  You can do this by looking for the ‘W’ icon at the bottom of this screen.  If it is not there, click on the round start button then search programs for MS Word.  If you prefer to use the ‘online’ version of Word, go to your Office 365 account and access the software that way.
  4. Confused? Ask another student or myself for pointers
  5. In your document, type: the Certificate name (s) and level(s) you are enrolled in; and a list of all the unit names.  Then highlight: the units you have started work for this semester in one colour; and the units you are yet to start in a different colour
  6. Save this document as ‘Course Outline’ and put it in a folder called ‘CGEA Course
  7. Email the document to me


Intro- Prepare for Employment

Please refer to your notes and previous blogposts to continue with assessment 1.


Cert II – Budget

Please refer to your notes and previous blogposts to determine where you are up to.  I will be making assessment 1 available next week for those who are ready.

That’s it.  So…..

cat goodbye
Hmmm…something is wrong with this meme. Can you spot it?